What Leadership Competencies Do Start-Up Teams Need ?

I have been working on Leadership Development of the executive teams of several start-ups, most of them based in Bangalore. Having also worked in start-ups in the Bay Area, California in the capacity of a software developer, following is what I have observed. Start-ups move very fast. They need to fail quickly, iterate, reitirate, chuck[…]

Knowing and recognizing leadership blindspots [Forbes]

The mark of a great leader is that they are constantly trying to improve themselves. They understand that they are human, not perfect and often don’t know what they don’t know. In our anatomy, the blind spot is the point of entry of the optic nerve on the retina. Insensitive to light, it is considered[…]

What I Learnt After Spending An Hour With Marshall Goldsmith

As I was taking stock of the year gone by, I reflected on some of the critical events that transpired. For me one of the most interesting one was meeting with Marshall Goldsmith, the #1 Executive Coach to top CEO’s; his mission is to help successful people achieve positive, lasting change and behavior; for themselves,[…]

Conflicts within teams can be a source of transformation and growth [Forbes]

Conflicts within a team are a good thing. It needs to be embraced as a source of transformation and growth. The word conflict typically conjures negative images in your head. However, conflict, if understood and utilized well can be used as a mechanism for growth. Conflict resolution as an academic field is relatively new. George[…]

Collaborate Collaborate Collaborate:to INNOVATE

Organizations are moving towards becoming flatter and more matrixed. Employees are assigned to work on different project teams and report to multiple managers. The advantages can be tremendous :  innovations, increased sharing of information and greater capacity to solve complex problems. As the organizations become bigger and more connected the greater the challenges in making lines[…]

What Are The Critical Success Factors For Executive Coaching ?

he primary benefits of Executive Coaching are : continuous one-on-one attention, increased self-awareness – including blind spots, expanded thinking through dialogue with a curious and non judging outsider, personal accountability for development and learning. However there are certain things that need to be in place for the coaching assignment to be labelled successful. The factors[…]