All we have is the present moment. In the present moment we make choices all the time, but many of those choices are made without full awareness.
Every thought is a choice, most of the time an unaware choice.
There are two main factors that have an impact on our choices…factors within our control, and factors outside of our control.
So in worrying we create a thought of something we do not want to happen, and we focus on that thought in fear and in powerlessness.
I define worry as, “wallowing in fear and powerlessness over the possibility or probability of a perceived negative or unwanted outcome”, or I could say, “wallowing in fear and powerlessness about a perceived negative or unwanted outcome”.
Concern is very different from worry. It is the awareness of the potential problem, and functioning powerfully, within your sphere of control, your domain of control.
YOU decide what action you can take to have an impact on the outcome, before it happens.
Dr. Winthrop Wiltshire